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Early childhood practice and research have found that a child’s emotional, social, physical, and cognitive developments are interdependent. Learning is most meaningful if it engages the whole child, builds on prior knowledge and experience, and emerges from the interests of the child.                        


Based on research and practice in the field of early childhood education, we are much more interested in the process of learning than in the products of learning. We are committed to providing a rich and varied learning environment that encourages children to explore, question, experiment, create and play.


Our program encourages positive peer and social relations, development of critical thinking skills, and facilitates the development of self esteem by fostering independence and problem-solving skills.


We recognize the critical importance of play in the development of the whole child. Through creative, experimental play children build knowledge of the world and their place in it.


We maintain a 1:7 teacher-to-child ratio. Although state licensing requires only a 1:10 ratio, we are committed to lower ratios because having more teachers:


  • Allows us to spend time with each child, developing closer child-teacher bonds of trust, affection, and respect.

  • Allows us to monitor carefully your child’s social, emotional, cognitive, and physical growth and progress, and individualize our program accordingly.

  • Allows us to work with children in small groups, facilitating development of language and literacy, and social and cognitive skills.


We believe that parents are an integral part of our community and we encourage a strong link between home and school. We value contributions parents make to our understanding of their child and we hope parents will share observations and insights about their child’s experience with us. We look to parents as partners in this shared effort of helping children understand and thrive in the social community of the classroom. Parents are welcome at anytime during the day and we invite you to fully participate in our program while your child is with us.    

Get in Touch

(907) 966-2675

©2019 by Mt Edgecumbe Preschool.

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